Sunday, November 13, 2011

Student iPad roll out.

Burke Middle High is preparing for the student iPad roll out projected for January. This student roll out will include all students in middle and high grades. The current population of Burke Middle High is near 600 students. Educators have been and will continue to receive regular weekly professional development to ensure 21st centery learning skills will improve and grow with the student roll out. This iPad roll out will enable all students to utilize a wide range of multi media, applications, and web based resources in and outside of the classroom. We are moving forward to world learning and increasing student acheivement with this 1to1 iPad initiative.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Burke High 1to1 iPad rollout

What a celebration for educators. Educators now have the multi tool to create a more challenge based learning environment for their students. Educators and Administration received a two hour training during the rollout to get accounts established and initial apps to explore. Basic iPad functions were revealed. All were eager and enthusiastic about the rollout and upcoming PD's to allow for a targeted proficient growth with this multi tool.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Burke Middle High Teacher Roll out

Burke Middle High teacher roll out is 9/26. We are very excited and enthusiastic about this deployment. Tonight's 2 hour roll out and initial training will begin the transformation of classrooms to real 1 to 1 learning, the future of CCSD.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Embracing Technology to meet 21st Century Learning Standards

1to1, iPads will enable all students to collaborate, communicate, become global thinkers, and project based learners. Educators will be able to create a student centered classroom where differentiation and the fostering of student ownership in learning will become a reality.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

iPad initiatives, welcoming all!

As we know the iPad is not just a tool, but many tools built into one. Now we can justifiably demonstrate and support this statement in every classroom.

Monday, August 29, 2011